Skin care

No Need To Suffer Silently, Get Excessive Sweating Treatment!


Perspiration or sweating is a normal body function that is regulated by our nervous system. During the warm or hot temperatures our body perspire normally to maintain the normal temperature but in some people, this system can become over active even under normal conditions leading to excessive or abnormal sweating.If you are suffering from this embarrassing condition do not suffer in silence because you are not alone facing this problem. This excessive sweating condition, also known as hyperhidrosis is common among 2%-3% of the global population. This condition is quite worrisome and troubling for the sufferer depending on which part of the body it effects. It is often considered a mentally and emotionally devastating condition because it has a significant negative impact on the quality of life of the patient.

The most common type of hyperhidrosis is primary or focal hyperhidrosis that targets the axillary region or the underarms area followed closely the palms, feet and then face and head areas. In some cases, the condition can be a result of some medical disorder so it is very important to consult a clinician who will make an assessment for it.

Excessive sweating types

The exact causes of hyperhidrosis usually start during the childhood or adolescence. The exact causes are still not known but surely it does not occur due to the problem of hygiene. It is thought genetics play a role in primary focal hyperhidrosis.

The other kind of excessive sweating is called generalised or secondary hyperhidrosis which is a result of some underlying medical condition or intake of some medications. This type of sweating is generalised over large body areas and also happens during sleep. Some of the common causes of this type include anxiety, diabetes, cancer, menopause or infections or certain medications which cause excessive sweating. To have more information about hyperhidrosis types visit

Available excessive sweating treatments

There are several excessive sweating treatment options available which you should seek if you suffer from this condition. According to the research statistics, 67% of the women seek treatment for the excessive sweating while just 32% of the men opt for the treatment. Here are the effective treatment options that can be tailored to meet your specific needs:

  • Prescription strength antiperspirants: there are many over the counter antiperspirants and deodorants available. Look for the stronger ones. If the problem persists, use prescription strength antiperspirants that have a higher concentration of aluminium chloride which clogs the sweat ducts. These work best when applied at night and are often used for underarms but can also be effective on hands, feet and face.
  • Botox injections: If the antiperspirants fail to resolve the issue, another effective excessive sweating treatment option is the botulinum toxin injections which are an FDA approved treatment for axillary hyperhidrosis. The toxin blocks the messages from the nerve endings to the sweat glands which turn them off. It is not a permanent cure as it is only effective for a short term. It is also used off-label for hands, feet and face.
  • Iontophoresis: a small device is used which passes a mild current through water in which hands or soles of feet are immersed. The electric current and minerals together create a thick layer on the surface of the skin which blocks the sweat flow to it. This treatment requires several sessions before it finally shows the results.
  • Medications: Anticholinergic drugs helps in preventing sweat glands stimulation. However, medications are not prescribed for a longer period of time because of certain potential side effects. Beta-blockers or benzodiazepines can also be helpful in reducing excessive sweating.

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